Tips for Making Modern Style Minimalist Room Designs

Lately, minimalist room designs are so prevalent in the world. Especially in urban areas, there are many houses that carry this minimalist concept for their rooms. Minimalist design is a design that emphasizes simplicity in its arrangement. This simple atmosphere is laid out very nicely and modern so it looks very charming. Even though it looks simple, this minimalist room still looks attractive and lovely.

Minimalist room design usually focuses more on playing with firm geometric shapes. Firm and clear forms are the main elements forming this design. For this reason, in a minimalist room interior, the atmosphere looks a bit stiff. But with a good strategy, you can dispel the stiffness, then make it a unique sight. You do this by playing with these minimalist design elements so that it looks more dynamic and not boring.

If you intend to build a home interior with this minimalist concept, here are some basic ideas that you can apply at home:

Use of Typical Colors for Minimalist Room Designs

In arranging a minimalist space, black and white are the basic colors that must be present. If you want to make it even more interesting, you can replace this color with a color derivative from a combination of black and white. For example, gray. Place these colors in a strategic corner of the room. Try it on a table, wall shelf, chair, decoration, or something else. Meanwhile, to avoid a monotonous impression, you can compensate by using your favorite color on the walls, floor, and ceiling.

Minimalist Typical Geometric Shapes

Minimalist design is often referred to as “simple geometry”. That is, you can make room decorations simply by placing a new geometric shape created from rectangles and squares. This trick is more than enough to create a thick minimalist atmosphere but still stylish. In addition, a minimalist interior appearance can also be produced by creating spaces that are open and full of light.

Pay Attention to the Convenience Factor

If you have trouble creating a comfortable minimalist space, try looking for references from modern architecture magazines. You can copy various examples of great minimalist home ideas from there. To create a comfortable minimalist living room, ask yourself, can I not rest for a long time in this room? The minimalist concept doesn’t have to be as minimal as possible. There is a lot of furniture that you can make built-in so that it allows you to get a combination of the minimalist side and the comfort side of a beautiful room.

Materials Used

Common materials used for minimalist building construction are steel and concrete. Both of these materials are known to be sturdy and have a perfect texture. Meanwhile, for furniture that is often used, namely furniture made of glass, leather, plastic, wood, high-tech, stainless steel, nickel, brass, chrome, and other metal materials. The game of various types of materials can bring its own beauty into the room.

After knowing the elements that make up a minimalist design and the basic techniques for creating a minimalist concept, now is the time to start changing the atmosphere of your living room into a minimalist and comfortable concept. So that the elegant atmosphere of the family room can still be maintained, one of which is that you can use minimalist furniture that looks luxurious and expensive. Examples include soft sofa chairs and coffee tables with a proportional size.

Please choose one or a combination of the several objects above to add to the atmosphere of your living room. Don’t forget to add art objects so that the living room atmosphere can be even more lively. After you finish arranging the family room, don’t forget to touch the design of your other rooms. Especially for the living room, yes, where the room is the main concern for people who come to the house.