DIY courses: what they use, where to find them

In this article, we inform you about DIY courses. There is something to make your own table or shelf. Or to repair the drain yourself, connect washing machines yourself and weld railings yourself.

But for all these manual activities you need the necessary skill and especially the knowledge of how they are done. This is where DIY courses help. We will show you where you can home improvement take a corresponding course!

Many men dream of their own workshop

A craftsman course is a course that teaches you the necessary basic skills in the craft. A course can be general or offer specific focuses. For example, there are courses for woodworking as well as for metalworking or the repair of sanitary facilities. For example, you will be taught how to operate an angle grinder safely or how to saw correctly with the circular saw.

In the past, you could find craftsman courses at your local adult education centre or at a local craft business. Most of these schools offer corresponding courses, some of which can be taken for a relatively low fee. You only have to bring time and desire on the given dates. Today, however, there are many more possibilities, more on that later.

By the way, craftsman courses not only offer the advantage of finding out about a specific topic and gaining experience about it. At the same time, this results in the advantage that you come into contact with other people, especially with experienced people. If not some classmates, then at least the teachers or masters are not only familiar with the current topic, but also with many others.

Repair a car. You can learn that.

If you already have a specific project in mind, you can ask important questions and gain valuable answers. So you will be spared one or the other failure and you may even make new contacts.DIY courses for women

Women in particular are often ashamed to take a craftsman’s course. This is partly due to the male society, which is usually more experienced in craftsmanship and dominates this industry accordingly. This dominance can also lead to discomfort in the craft course.

That is why there are special craftsman courses for women. Here, only women are allowed to participate and thus remain among themselves. But that’s not the only thing that is special about these courses. Also, sometimes techniques are used that do not require so much strength – depending on the course content.DIY courses in large cities such as Berlin and Hamburg

Many cities offer different craft courses in their adult education centres. Berlin and Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich and other major cities have corresponding programmes. But smaller cities are also the venue for DIY courses. We have selected the links of the adult education centres for you. On the websites you will find the current program:VHS HamburgVHS BerlinVHS FrankfurtVHS MunichThese DIY stores offer DIY classes

All major hardware stores also offer DIY courses. These include the DIY chains Bauhaus, Hornbach, Obi and Hagebaumarkt as well as many others. As with any craftsman course, you have to register with them in advance. As a rule, this works online, but it is sometimes also possible to stop by to register. The courses do not always take place regularly. Here are the links to the respective pages where you can find out about the events:Bauhaus Seminars and Events: LinkObi Practical Courses: LinkToom DIY Academy: LinkThis is how much a DIY course costs

Of course, the different DIY courses cost different amounts. You should therefore inquire individually in advance about the costs of your DIY course. In general, it can be said that you have to expect costs between 100 and 150 €.

For example, a course at Toom’s DIY Academy costs 99 € and usually lasts a whole day. When booking, make sure that you know the course content and that you really attend a meaningful course.

Of course, there is also a large selection of DIY courses on YouTube and other portals. In contrast to a course at the hardware store or the adult education center, however, the practical part here is entirely up to you. So you have to take care of the necessary materials and tools, such as cordless screwdrivers and jigsaws, yourself.

Here are 2 sample videos of M1Molter. In the first, large holes are drilled in metal, in the second, the well-known German YouTuber informs about a radio switch and its installation:

We therefore recommend online DIY courses only if you will definitely carry out the activity taught therein. This is often the case when laying laminate or painting. If, on the other hand, you just want to get a taste of it (this is often the case with welding), then it is best to use a real course in which tools and materials are provided – i.e. not an online course.

Here is another important tip: In order to really learn something in the trade, you need a lot of practice. It doesn’t help much to read all sorts of things about the subject, but never practice it yourself. Be sure to! Above Recent Posts

My name is Wolfgang and I write on about DIY and power tools. I hope my contributions help to find the right tools for the next construction projects.

My name is Wolfgang and I write on about DIY and power tools. I hope my contributions help to find the right tools for the next construction projects.