Plumbing problems can negatively affect your home and your belongings. Stop plumbing problems before they start by applying the following tips.
If your pipes are so noisy that they sound like squeaking or hammering, you can easily solve this problem. What you will have to do is anchor any pipes that are exposed. Call a plumber to help with pipes that require you to cut a hole in a wall, ceiling or floor.
If a pipe freezes, make sure you turn the closest faucet to allow the thawing water to exit. This gives the pressure somewhere to go, and can keep them from bursting.
Only pay pay the plumber once the job is done. It is customary to put down one-third to one-half of the total cost before the work is started, but do not pay in full until it is complete. Agree with the plumber in advance on the job and payment.
Never try to fix a garbage disposal by putting your hand down into it. Garbage disposals can be dangerous, even when they are turned off. Locate your garbage disposal manual, or do an Internet search for troubleshooting advice and a diagram that illustrates your model.
A strainer should be placed over all the drains in order to gather particles that would just get in the drain and potentially cause stoppage. Thoroughly clean the strainer on a regular basis. Bathtubs should be equipped with strainers as well, and they too will need to be cleaned regularly.
Orange or pink discoloration on your bathroom fixtures is a solid indication that your water contains too much iron. This is something that needs to be taken care of by water softener, which you can buy at a store, or have a company come out to your house and take care of it for you.
Keep your garbage disposal clean to make sure it lasts for awhile. By regularly “cleaning” the disposal with lemon rinds, cherry pits and dish soap, you can make sure that your garbage disposal is running well and smelling so clean it could be new.
Dishwashers that have too much water running into them could have a hose installed improperly. The hose must lead uphill then back downhill to prevent the combining of water from each device.
Remember that your toilet is not intended to be used to dispose of trash. Don’t flush cotton balls, diapers, paper towels, or anything else that doesn’t dissolve, as these can clog it. Don’t flush massive amounts of toilet paper at once, either. Most of the time, you shouldn’t need a lot of toilet paper to clean yourself; don’t use more than necessary. If you have an emergency that requires a lot of cleaning, flush toilet paper a little bit at a time instead of all at once.
Problems with your plumbing can be a nuisance, but if you put in some patience and effort, they can be fixed. It just takes research and perhaps asking a plumber what to do and how to fix it properly. Do yourself a favor and try using the above tips to help get rid of your plumbing problems.