Advantages of Using a Gradebook Built for Standards
Instructors can use gradebooks to show them about a student’s performance on assignments over a specific period. An instructor can use a traditional gradebook to know of the student’s strengths and weaknesses by checking on the overall performance for a particular exam or grading period. However, instructors can use a standards-based gradebooks to have a better way of understanding their students and where they are in understanding what is taught. It is possible to obtain multiple advantages from the use of standards-based gradebooks. Find some of the potential gains of the use of standards-based gradebooks in this article.
It is possible for teachers to tag assignments with standards every time they assign work to students. When a standards-based gradebook is used, every task that a student does is vital since it can be graded and monitored in the standards-based gradebook. With this, a teacher can track the student performance on every assignment as opposed to what they would do with the traditional gradebook which gives the teacher just the average performance and not details on specific tasks. It is thus possible for a teacher to understand better the strengths and weaknesses of a student when they can observe how they perform on different individual assignments. When the teacher has such an understanding, it is possible for them to raise the particular student in the area where the struggling and can encourage them where they are doing well. It is thus possible for students to grow better with the increased level of attention by teachers in their area of weakness. It is also possible for teachers to provide advice to the students on what educational areas to pursue in future depending on what they are strong in.
Teachers can have an easy way of finding out their students’ performance by using a standards-based gradebook. This gradebooks have an online version where teachers can view the information in an easily-read manner available for them as built for standards.. The digital format allows teachers to have an easy way of accessing the needed information since it allows them convenience and they can view the needed information from any place and at any time. The teachers can also easily analyze the given information by the provision of an easy to read way of describing how the student has performed in specific assignments as tagged with their measures and graded accordingly, thus giving information to the teacher on the strengths and weaknesses of the student. There is also the provision for the teacher to follow on a specific standard and find out how many times the standard has been measured and how a student performed each time the standard was used. This way, a teacher has -track of both their students and the standards and is better placed to offer needed help and adjustments.