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How To Know If Your Car Door Weather Stripping Needs Replacing

It is important to take note of the fact that if your weather stripping has become faulty, you will figure it out. This is because if it rained the previous night, upon opening the car door the next morning you would feel an overwhelming stale and stuffy kind of upholstery. A weather stripping is usually a thin peace of rubber that lines the windows and the doors of your car.

You need to know that the weather stripping is the rubber lining that ensures that your car is protected from the exterior temperature, prevents leaks and at the same time ensures that your doors are all closed properly. You should know that the weather stripping is usually located at the exterior of the car so that it would ensure that the car is protected from heat, debris and rain. From this article, you will get to learn if at all the car door weather stripping requires replacing or not.

Firstly, ensure that you look to check if there would be leaks. The fact that you are experiencing some leakages should be the most obvious sign that you need to replace your weather stripping. If your weather stripping is damaged, you will notice that while you are on the road, there would be water dripping through the windshield. To the occasions where you may not notice that there are leaks, you should check to see whether there is some form of dampness on the upholstery or there is water on the dashboard.

You should also ensure that you check the interior temperature. You need to be aware of the fact that sometimes your weather stripping ensures that it prevents elements from getting to your car but it also ensures that the car is insulated from the exterior temperature. It is significant to understand that any faulty weather stripping would enable the warm air or the cool air to escape from the car through the cracks. If you own a car, you should understand that sometimes your car may have problems with cooling down or heating up the interior and this does not necessarily mean that the problem lies with the heater or conditioner. If your car has problems when it comes to heating up or cooling down, you could use a product such as irontite to fix it.

The last thing that you should look into would be the rust or mold. You need to know that it is not always that you would notice leaks because sometimes you would just find rust and smell mold inside your car and this only means that you should replace that weather stripping.