When you look at pandemics throughout history, it’s interesting to note that the basic safety precautions remain the same. For all our advanced technology and medical know-how, the basics have not changed. It still takes time to develop immunity or a vaccine, and in the meantime, the basics of avoidance remain the same. Wear a mask, wash your hands and keep social distance. It kept your great-grandparents safe in 1918 and it can keep you safe in the future. The basic principles are so reliably effective that you could build them into the layout of your home and trust that they’ll come in handy sooner or later.
Outdoor Socializing
Outdoor socializing makes it possible to be close to friends and family without putting anyone at risk. Outdoor spaces with enough room to socially distance are a must-have to pandemic mental health and social wellness. Look into patios and decks Frisco TX or your area to find an outdoor space solution to get you through the next pandemic safely.
Designated Decontamination Area
Not all of us can have a full decontamination every time we enter or leave the house, but it’s a good idea to have a little station for cleaning hands and grabbing masks by the front door. Make it part of your mudroom or atrium today.
Indoor Enrichment
Last but certainly not least, make sure that your home is well stocked with entertainment to keep you occupied throughout an extended period. Internet access is key for work, school and play, but don’t underestimate crafting areas, gaming spaces and exercise rooms.
Just because Covid-19 is the first to reach full pandemic levels doesn’t mean it will be the last. Plenty of potential pandemics have cropped up in the last few decades. It’s reasonable to think that many of these safety precautions will be useful again in our lifetimes.