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photo 1534778356534 d3d45b6df1da?ixlib=rb 0.3Effective Ways for Growing a Manly Beard

Yes, any man can grow a manly beard and look good with it and this does not have to include too many visits to a beard maintenance professional. This article will guide you on how to get started on that manly beard you desire. Find below what you ought to know so as to grow a manly beard.

The first step that you should take is to stock up on beard maintenance products. It is simple mathematics really, a great beard is equally proportional to the beard maintenance products one uses and is willing to invest in. Using these products from the get-go will allow your beard to grow and lay correctly. Get an appointment with your barber so that you can get recommendations of some of the best beard maintenance products that would suit you. Learn more here on this page on the many different beard maintenance products that would suit you.

Work on getting your levels of testosterone up. This is because testosterone plays a vital role in hair growth. Some natural ways to do this include but are not limited to exercise more frequently, getting enough rest, reducing alcohol intake, getting a lot more sun, take Vitamin D supplements among many more.

It is also important to focus on the long term goals with the manly beard. How so? If you are an impatient person, then you are in for a tough ride as beards take their sweet time to come around, which means that the temptation to cut it off will be there. Therefore, you will need to keep reminding yourself why you wanted it in the first place and to focus on the end rather than the start. On the other hand, it is important to get ready with the appropriate attire that goes well with a manly beard. A great manly beard looks weird on someone who doesn’t match up to it.

Another thing that you will need to do is show a lot of fortitude. There is a reason a manly beard is for a specific people. Not everyone can pull it off. Itchiness, patchiness, and annoying gruff are some of the issues you will deal with throughout the growth process. So make the whole journey worth it by allowing the beard to grow despite all this. For a while there, you will look a bit unkempt and this is why a lot of fortitude on your side is necessary.

In the end, what will determine the survival of your manly beard is just you. These tips will help you get started and even help you to hold on even when the going gets tough.

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