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Several Advantages of Limiting Screen Time on Daily Basis

The average individual normally spend at least 11 hours a day in front of a screen. Some of the time is used while at the workplace and the remaining at home. There are many people whose television is always running in the background , hence distracting you from whatever you are trying to accomplish. One of the right things you can do is to cut back on your screen. The following are some of the top reasons why you ought to limit screen time daily.

One, have it in mind that screen time limits increase your ability to focus. Most of the time, people read on tablet, surfing the web, or playing a game on your phone while at the same time watching television and sitting with someone. This is an indication that a person is multitasking. Multitasking makes if a bit harder for you to pay attention to a single task. However, screen limiting is vital because you will give your brain a chance to pay attention to one task after another.

Additionally, limiting your screen encourages instant gratification. Ideally, it is true that the internet serves a crucial role of helping you to know what you do not know and fosters instant gratification sense. Any moment you have a question, searching it from the internet takes a short time to find it. When you limit the screen time, you become more appreciative to the things that you earn as well as more determined to work for the things that you do not have.

When your screen time is not limited, your sleep is usually interrupted because blue light that is similar to that of the sun is normally emitted, thus, registering in your brain as daylight. If you are uncovered to blue light, your brain finds it easier to recognize that it is bedtime.

When you limit the screen time, you separate yourself from the jealousy feeling that is normally promoted by comparing yourself on the social media. There is a lot of competition that takes place on social media. Whenever people show off the good things they are experiencing through numerous posts, it becomes easy for people to feel jealous.

Lastly, any moment people spend most of their time on the screen, depression is likely to arise. The reason for this is that, as a result of paying much attention to the internet, Most of your time for social interaction is cut down. By limiting the screen time, and putting away your phone or tablet whenever you are around other people, your time for conversation and interaction increases regularly.